LG Electronics, Inc. is a global leader and technology innovator in consumer electronics, mobile communications and home appliances, employing more than 75,000 people in over 118 operations around the world. [row class=”profile”] [column class=”small-6 medium-3 profile-image”] ceo [/column] [column class=”small-6 medium-9 profile-content”]

Jo Seong-jin

Chief Executive Officer
[/column] [/row]
    • LG H&A

      Song Dae-hyun

      President of Home Appliance & Air Solution Company
    • Brian Kwon

      Brian Kwon

      President of Mobile Communications Company & Home Entertainment Company
  • VS사업본부장 김진용 부사장

    Kim Jin-yong

    President of Vehicle Component Solutions Company
  • Kwon_Soon-hwang

    Kwon Soon-hwang

    President of Business Solutions Company

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